Slick DBZ-puzzle game with pretty much any character you can think of. To top it off, the graphics and the visual effects keep you on the edge of your seat. Great for any Dragon ball Z fan.
Slick DBZ-puzzle game with pretty much any character you can think of. To top it off, the graphics and the visual effects keep you on the edge of your seat. Great for any Dragon ball Z fan.
Good game but I got bored of it
One of the best games I have ever played!
So much fun!!The best part about it is how it makes the weak people seem strong, when I was only rank 5, I got SSG Goku STR and INT Turles
I love this game but i cannot play it now because this most recent download keeps failing about halfway through and i cannot play the game as of now. please fix this
The game itself is great but the game is a gotcha game (gives you something every now and then to get you to spend money on the best units and even then it is no where near guaranteed you will get said best unit card) as once you complete all your story missions getting stones becomes well extremely rare and tedious. The game is def designed to give you a little taste (not very often) like when youll grab a great card or get a seriess of great cards but then nothing sometimes months on end and that even spending money on the game (I havent put to much stock in the game Iv been fortunate enough to get great cards with what stones I do get).... most games out there will always give you at least something, or other options to get best unite cards but this company is not one of those companys.. I have a great lineup that will get me threw any boss battle and even through all the newly added boss rush levels and as I stated before the game is great its the company I have a problem with. Like most companies they are out to make money but this company in particular is worse in that aspect than any other I have run across.
I love the game but I want to have Spanish so that my dad can play it too
So I pull 2 ssr goten and gohan that can be a transcended UR but broly story wont comeback please bring it back please please
I have one problem and that is enemys surviving with no health you cant even see the yellow bar how are they surviving. if they have one percent health left why cant you see the bar this happens so often every battle this happens like 90% of the time its as if its doing it on purpose just cause how often it happens plz fix this otherwise its a good game.
I have been trying to login to my account and have the data loaded because of a failed device transfer and it just loaded my data I even deleted most of my stuff but it still didnt work it has been about a week now but it still doesnt work please fix my account.
Have 2 experience yourself
I love this game
The game is awesome but then I got a verification error so I cant load the game so please do something about this if you can
Love this game, and play it daily. However the load times are incredibly long for such a basic animation. I know, it has the "download all" option to cut down on load times. Tried it. Literally no difference, I timed it lol. Its getting old, like as much as I love this game, Im just getting more and more irritated about spending more time looking at "loading" than I do actually playing. So till they do something about it, they can get a crap score.
Let me just say that, of all of my mobile games, this is most certainly my top favorite. I have to say that this is a really great game that most DBZ fans would enjoy. Tons of characters to obtain all through Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. Summons are a nice feature, even though you can almost never get a character you want. However, you can still try to gain characters from events, even though they arent exactly as good. The fact that you have to grind for dragon stones if you dont have enough money is obviously boring and tedious, but you might be like me and eventually get used to it. I also love the Hidden Potential System, being able to make you units stats higher and give them effects. Overall, I believe that this game is certainly worth any Dragon Ball fans time.
Area 19 mission 1 In the fight against Hercule, after the first three attacks the game force closes and the game resets, in the title menu the game asks if I want to continue the battle if I accept the battle with Hercule restarts and the problem continues, if I choose not to continue the mission I lose the stamina, no matter what I cant get get past this mission because the glitch doesnt go away
This game brings back memorys form the dbz anime and games and also helps support it as one of my favorite anime
This game is actually one of the best phone games right now! There arent as many fun games as there used to be and this is definitely one of the best! Its entertaining, and it actually gets you more intelligent not to mention how fun it is to summon in that game. It takes a lot of skill and strategy to play such a difficult game! All in all its an amazing game that you should definitely have installed.
Can you please add LR gohan to the game because its not fair if JP can get him but what about global and raise the chance of his by 5 times