So, Im just playing the game right? I love summoning just like everyone else. So I do a few single summons and a multi. As soon as I load to my screen for the singles I get a little hint of what Ill get by seeing however many pods I get or whatever else I can get. Well I got some bad cards on my singles and thats fine, but what makes me the most salty, is when I load up my multi on the LR broly event (this happened just now), and I see like 6 pods, Im happy, and when I release and I stay base form. I see the screen crack and then the game literally crashes. I then panicked and loaded up the game. I get directed to the main home screen, so I look around in my character list to see what characters I got, assuming the summon probably just sped up and put the characters in the character list. Well guess what. The whole multi, all 10 characters were lost. My stones were consumed yet I received nothing. The worst part is that I know for a fact I shouldve at least got one SSR and it couldve been Broly, but no I got robbed out of my chance at broly and 10 characters. Now here I am, giving the game not the best review because I lost 30$ on a games dumb glitch. I love this game and am basically addicted, but really? You gotta make the game steal from me? Thats bs.
Im definitely never using money in this game ever again. It can straight up rob you and Im pretty salty 100% honest here.
-1 happy player
+1 salty player